It is a Wool Wool World. |
At least three times over the past two days I have seen where people either posted cute little posters that portrayed or mentioned several times the above term. (Oh contrary to a lot of popular opinion, this is not a new term, but has been around since the early 80s so please quit patting yourselves on the backs for being new age or trendy when you use it.) The people posting go on and on and on ad nauseous (Yes I realize the correct line is spelled differently, but this one better describes how these people make me feel.) about how things are so horrible because so many Sheeple refuse to see the facts of any given situation and merely follow the Pablum being fed to them by the Media and their political affiliation of choice. Screams of righteous indignation are heard from the rooftops about how no one wants to speak the truth or hear the facts.
Course what strikes me as absolutely fricking highlarious is that 99% of the people crowing about Sheeple and Party lies happily and blindly refute these losers by shouting out their own party lies and delusions instead. People rail on the blind folk being misled by the "Biased and Slanted" news reports being portrayed on the Communist News Network while happily regurgitating the BullShift they hear on Faux News. ReBoobicans condemn the blind followers of Damnocrats while blissfully eating up the fetid slop being shoveled into their own troughs by their party.
A big thing I have noticed is this insistent need a lot of people have to prove their arguments by posting "news sites" that support their beliefs and arguments while completely ignoring the fact that the news they are posting has absolutely no actual data, verifiable information or even substantiated rumors to back it up. Pick any subject that you want ranging from Mitt Romney being a cult member to Barack Obama being an illegal alien and Google it. You will find literally thousands of websites that "prove" the story is true. However, if you actually check those sites, they are 99% "Loudmouth with a Blog" type sites and 99% of those are merely recycling lies and rumors that THEY have picked up from other sites.
Despite what so many people claim, they don't want the truth. They want the "truth" that matches their own beliefs and attitudes. If the actual facts (Sad that in the modern age, Fact has indeed become a four letter word.) disagree with what they believe is correct, they ignore them OR blame the conflicts on some (Insert favorite wing here) conspiracy. Nothing you can say or do will ever convince them otherwise. Such is the nature of Sheeple.
Once upon a time, I tried to show when people were being morons. I tried to point out that their views had about as much basis in reality as Unicorns. I kept ramming my head into Cognitive Dissonance and realized that the majority of these Wooly People wouldn't recognize facts if the facts came up, hit them on the head and stole their wallet. I am older now and a lot more tired. So instead of fighting anymore, I usually just sit back and read the stupidity. After I am done, I shake my head and move on with my life.
People believe what they want/need to believe to make them more comfortable with the world they live in. When anything conflicts with the world picture they have painted, they mutter about sheeple and "those people." Sadly in an Era of unlimited access to facts and data, people prefer to still listen to the loudest voices and ignore the reality around them. Still, the very fact that so many people do this is all the proof people need that Sheeple are indeed the problem. Happy Grazing everyone.
End of Rant