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Saturday, July 4, 2015

I AM NOT AN ANIMAL! I AM A HUMAN BEING! (Which is actual worse in my opinion.)


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Not asking to be raped.

 So I was reading an article about new Federal rules and regulations that are coming into play on college campuses designed to mitigate and hopefully reduce the number of rapes that occur on campuses every year.  Now  having read through the whole thing (That's 30 minutes of my life I will never get back), I think it is an excellent example of pure BS (Bureaucrat Shift) I have ever read and will probably do more harm than good, much like most of the legislation passed by our so called leaders.  I personally feel that a group that is dominantly Old, White and Male really shouldn't be involved in making rules governing rape, but that is just me.
     Before I go any further, let me state for the record that the epidemic of campus rapes not just in the US but all around the world is a horrible thing and more strict steps need to be taken on a local, State and Federal levels to help combat it and hopefully prevent it.  I just think this BS ruling isn't going to do the job,
     Now, having said all of that, I am going to confuse you.  See this rant isn't about the new regulations or even about the rapes themselves which are horrible.  No, this little rant is all about this All Male Attitude or AMA as I call it.  (Suck it American Medical Society, I stole your letters!)  Scrolling through the comments I saw literally hundreds of examples of this Dark Ages Attitude of “Well, she was asking for it so she deserved to be raped” or “Did you see the way she was acting, you can't blame the guy for what he did.”
     It is a shame that in the 21st century (Wait 2015?  Geez I am old.) that we still have this idea that somehow woman have this magical power to show various parts of their bodies and poof, men lose all control of their tiny little minds and revert back to Ogg the Cave Man.   I think it is high time we evolve away from Slut Shaming and start Monster Shaming. (No not the Energy Drinks, they are awesome.)

Image result for woman clipart
Still not asking for it.
     I am always seeing people talking about how “Well she got drunk and passed out at the party so it was her fault that a bunch of guys raped her and filmed it” or “She was dressed in such sexy clothes that she incited the men to rape her.”  The accusers continuously try to shift the blame from the perpetrators of these horrible acts to the victims and it makes me sick.
     No woman is ever asking for rape.  Rape is not fun.  Rape is not sexy.  Rape is a violent, degrading act that destroys the victims.  No matter how provocatively a woman dresses, she isn't asking to be raped.  No matter how much a woman drinks, she is not asking to be raped.  No matter what a woman may say, she is not asking to be raped.  In every single case of rape, the woman is not at fault.  The person who decides that he is going to assualt her and force her to have intercourse with him is the one at fault, no one else.
     And I personally don't understand why Men support the “She was asking for it” meme.  Basically what Slut Shamers are doing is saying, “Well Men have no self control and are nothing but rutting animals so the moment some boobs or butt is shown, they just can't help it.”  As a man, I personally find that extremely offensive and any real man should too.
     Are there (rare no matter what people want to think) times when the woman cries “RAPE” and was not actually assaulted?  Sure, that happens.  However, the vast majority of all rapes are not faked or lied about.  Matter of fact, there are more than likely a lot more cases of rape that never get reported precisely because of the way the victims are treated.
     See Rape is one of the few crimes where victims are accused of wrong doing.  When a store is robbed at gun point, no one says “Well the owner was asking for it, look at all the nice stuff he had out for everyone to look at.”  Because this Victorian attitude of “Women who dress or act a certain way are bad or evil,” people judge the victim not the criminal.
     I often wonder when I read the “women at fault” comments, how these cruel people would feel if their daughter was raped.  Would they shrug it off and judge her wrong because of the way she was dressed?  I hope not, but can't really be sure.
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Yup you guessed it, still not asking for it.
End of Rant
(PS:  I used “woman” exclusively in this article but I would be remiss if I didn't mention that men are indeed raped too.  Unfortunately exact numbers are hard to come by because when it does occur, men aren't likely to report it because of (Yup, you guessed it) the stigma placed upon rape victims by society.)

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