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Thursday, July 16, 2015

Walk a 1000 miles in my shoes...better yet, think a 1000 thoughts inside my head.

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Don't worry, be happy!
         Few things in this world truly bother me.  I was born was way too much mellowness in my system to get angry easily or to be annoyed by stuff that really isn't important.  I see people screaming over this or that on the Interwebz over and over again like it is the end of the freaking world or something. I usually just kind of shake my head, nod symbolically in support and move on with my life.  After all if you truly believe Obama is going to invade your state, take away your guns and force everyone to have Gay Muslim Weddings, more power to you.  Who knows, you might actually be right....NAHHHHHH!
     Now having said that, let me tell the one thing that really really grinds my gears is listening to people in $20,000 suits driving BMWs going on and on about the Poor.  Watch any episode of Faux News and you will hear words like Leeches, Moochers and Bums.  They run segments called "Entitlement Nations" where they basically say that if you are poor and on any form of public support, you are worthless and nothing but a drain on all of the Good People in the nation.  You have old people in the US Government, many of them having never done a day of hard labor in their lives discussing how we need to cut school lunches and WIC (Women Infant Children) funding because it is driving the nation to bankruptcy.
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I'm madder than heck and I ain't gonna take it no more.

      Little bit of background for you to thoughtify on.  I was born in the early 60s to a very poor family.  First house I ever remember living in had no form of running water at all.  Water was pulled up from a well and lets just say going to the bathroom in the middle of Winter was an adventure.  BRRR.  My father worked for the County Road Service most of his life making far less than what would be considered minimum wage today.  Food was scarce and not super plentiful.  If it wasn't for home grown veggies and animals, we'd prolly not eaten some days.  Only once during the 20 years I lived with him did my Father ever ask for help and most of you can't even begin to imagine how hard times were that year.  In other words, WE WERE POORER THAN FREAKING CHURCH MICE.
     So needless to say, I know what I say when I talk about being poor and the Poor.  Pretty much everyone I knew during that time was about as poor, if not poorer than we were.  I will say that 95% of them were hard working, industrious individuals who never wanted help from the Government and certainly never suckled from the Government teats.
     Fast forward a decade or so and Ronny Reagan invents whole cloth the "Welfare Cadillac Queen" who uses indiscriminate births to milk the government for untold riches.  This lie has been repeated so long and so often that it has become an ingrained part of Conservative mindsets.  They go on and on about RAMPANT WELFARE FRAUD (There isn't) and DRUG ADDICTS LIVING OFF WELFARE! (Well in their defense, there are some.  However it is amusing to note that in every single state where they have instituted mandatory drug testing to catch cheats, they have wound up paying a hell of  a lot more for the tests than they saved in caught abusers.  Also it is no surprise that ALL of the companies who were hired to make these tests are owned by Conservatives.  Don't believe me?   Look it up.)  So this whole mentality of Poor People are leeching off the rest of us is essentially a lie that has been repeated so long, the liars believe it is the truth.  Kind of like RAMPANT VOTER FRAUD!
     The vast majority of these people claiming that the poor serve no purpose and are just a drain on society have no clue what it means to be poor.  I almost laughed myself sick a while back when a few wealthy folks decided they would spend a week living off of what someone below the poverty line has to spend.  Needless to say, if they actually had to survive, they would starve to death.  Most haven't tried to understand and are perfectly comfortable judging others.
     So here is my thing (OMG PUT THAT AWAY!), if you haven't lived the life, suffered through the pain and hunger, shut up.  If you haven't spent a single day wondering where your family's next meal is coming from, Shut the Hell up.  If you haven't worn your sister's hand me down pants because your Mom can't afford to buy the fabric to make you new ones, Really Shut the Hell up.   You stop talking about the Poor and being Poor and I won't start making snide comments about the quality of 1872 Port Burgundy when used with Brie Cheese that has been aged under Donald Trump's hair piece for five years.
End of Rant

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