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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The following is a public service announcement. Please standby.

This message is brought to you by the “Get a Grip on Reality Society.”

To all of the people out there who truly believe or at least wonder if 9/11 was some secret plot by the US government. To all of people who think that Sandy Hook was some massive hoax created by the Democrats to have an excuse to take away all our guns. To the many people out there who think that the Boston Marathon Bombing was done by security forces in order to further their plans of imposing martial law. To everyone who is convinced that the US Government is secretly using bug drones to implant RFID chips under our skin so they can track us where ever we go. To everyone who is sure that Barack Obama is a closet Muslim Hell bent on installing Sharia law in the US. Essentially to pretty much everyone who really believes that their ordinary little lives are even remotely interesting enough to warrant attention. This message is for you. Please stand by.

You're Wrong!
Thank you for your time and we now return you to your regularly scheduled programs.

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