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Saturday, June 8, 2013

You morons do grasp the concept of FICTION right?

     Okay folks, even I am completely flabbergasted and bamboozled by this one.  Kevin Swanson, the pastor and right-wing radio broadcaster gone off on a tiff about how Star Trek is now promoting Bestiality because it shows Dear Old Jim Kirk waking up beside not one but two alien women.  The assumption is of course that he did the horizontal Lambada with them the previous night.  He also mentions the upcoming Kids Show Shezow where a young boy becomes a super type person by transforming into a girl type person.  On this "Swanson questioned the superhero’s ability to fight evil when he should be fighting the “evil” of “homosexuality and this transgender thing.  Instead, “he’s probably fighting Christians and trying to be sure that they’re burned at the stake or something.”
     Now folks I haven't seen the new Star Trek movie yet, but I know the Trek Mythos and if there is a species that Kirk hasn't slept with it is only because they probably reproduce by hitting each other with rocks.  So the scene in the movie should not be a shocker.  Next, calling it bestiality is a little silly.  Working on the assumption that the ladies in question are sentient beings then the worst it could possibly be is Interracial (Literally in this case) Sex.  Bestiality involves having sex with animals not intelligent beings.  (Course come to think of it, I have known some people that might qualify as bestiality if someone has sex with them just because they were more than a little dim.)
     Now I have already done a blog on Shezow! but I include the link just in case you missed it.
     Pretty much everything that needs to be said about this nifty new show is said in that blog and I can assure you that the hero/heroine is not out burning Christians at the Stake.  (As a historical aside here, I am pretty sure that no Christians, well besides Joan Of Arc were ever burned at the stake.  Hanged, yes.  Crucified, you betcha, but don't recall any burnings.  Course technically the witches burned in Europe were probably Christians, at least on the side.  Wait saying Crispy side here would be wrong wouldn't it?)  So I will just let you reread the blog and watch the trailer and make up your own minds.
     My mind boggles over the uproar that people love to put out over this stuff.  the insane fear they have that people watching FICTIONAL presentations will suddenly feel the urge to go out and copy it.  Course this is nothing new.  People said the same thing about AD&D and Satanism back in the day.  Come on, folks!  It is fiction.  Its not real!  ITS FAKE!  Shezow will no more make little boys want to get their penises lopped off (OW!) than watching Elmer indiscriminately try to gun down Bugs and Daffy turned me into Mad Gunman.  Star Trek, Star Wars, Honest Politicians are all fictional things which do not exist in the real world.  I grew up watching Billy Batson change from a prepubescent boy into a massively muscled  guy in red tights and I turned out pretty normal...well normalish anyways.
     We as a culture are so deeply terrified of anything that might conceivably threaten our oh so tiny world view that people are always willing to take up arms even when there is no threat.  We will never mature as a race until we grasp the fact that just because something is different than what we are used to doesn't make it a threat.  Leave Trek and Cartoons alone and worry about real threats.  Like the impending Hamstergeddon.  I for one am ready to welcome our Furry Overlords with open arms and lots of carrots.
End of Rant

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