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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Shh, it is a secret!

Shh, it's a secret!
This little missive is all about the wonderful world of Conspiracies and all of the people who believe in them with all their little hearts no matter how many times they are disproved or how many mountains of evidence is piled against them. Conspiracies are nothing knew and have probably been around as long as people have been able to communicate. I believe that people believed Noah's Ark was all part of a conspiracy to corner the market on seafood or that people believed that Hannibal's elephants were part of some conspiracy to create new “stealth weapons.” So let's get to talking about them.
First, my list of the top ten conspiracies!
                      The Moon Landing was faked!
                      There were multiple assassins involved in JFK's assassination!
                      Bobby Kennedy was killed as part of the same plot!
                      9/11 was actually an American plot!
                      Obama is a Muslim Terrorist who was not born in the US!
                      Roswell, New Mexico was the secret crash landing spot for alien ships!
                      Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and were primed to use them!
                      The vapor trails from military aircraft contain experimental chemical weapons!
                      There are top secret military bases already on the moon and that is why the government is stalling a return to the moon.
                      Professional Wrestling is faked!

Okay I'll admit I threw that last one in just for the fun of it cause everyone knows Wrassling is real, but my point here is that people will always believe what they want to believe no matter how much facts and information prove them wrong. It is just one of those quirks of human nature that is probably a combination of our believe in our own superiority and the fact 90% of the people in the world pretty much believe everything they see on TV or read on the internet.
I have had this conversation with several people over the past few days on several different areas of contest, but this little blurb is not about any one conspiracy current or past. It is about the need people have to believe in them. I truly believe it all boils down to faith. Not necessarily in a Supreme Being or as I like to call him, Big Happy Sky Man, but just faith in general. People seem to have this incredible need to believe in grand plots and designs. They want to believe that things aren't just randomly happening and that mysterious forces are working in secret to do astounding things. Hence conspiracies.
I hear people say that there a lot more conspiracy theorists out there now than there have ever been before and that may be so to a limited extent. However, for the most part the sudden upsurge in these conspiracies is mostly due to things like the internet since now it is insanely easy for one group to make contact with others of a similar mindset. Hells, do a web search for conspiracy groups. You will be amazed at what you find.

Okay no it doesn't fit the article,
but I like bunnies.

I guess what little point I am trying to make here is simple. Believe what you want no matter how odd it is, but always make your decisions and beliefs based on as much accurate information that you can get. Never read a headline or an article and say, “Aha! I knew all along!” When I listed the conspiracies at the beginning of this piece, I didn't Poo Poo any of them. I actually believe in a couple of them (No Wrassling isn't one of them). I am not saying which ones, but rest assured that I am a conspiracy nut just like so many others. The only difference between me and most of the others is that I find my own facts, not get fed regurgitated pablum by people like Limbaugh and his ilk. Remember it's your opinion, use it wisely.

The truth is out there

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