Now most of your are looking at this blog and saying "Aha He's back on his soapbox and preaching about discrimination again." Well either that or you're thinking "Oh God won't this guy ever shut up?" Well, you're both wrong so neener neener neener! Read on to see my message of the day!
Now if you actually have gone to this website you will know that a big fuss (Rightfully so in this case) was raised when a (Now fired) employee at Papa John's Pizza typed "Lady Chinky Eyes" in the description section of a lady's order. Needless to say, when the woman studied her receipt and saw this, she was more than little livid. She posted an image of the receipt and it went viral. Papa John's fired the person in question and profusely apologized for the incident.
As the article mentions, a cashier for Chick-fil-a was fired after he mocked Asian-America customers by posting things such as "Ching, Chang and Chung" on the order boards. The videos went viral too and Chick had a dickens of a time cleaning that one up.
So here is my rant and it's not about racial discrimination. It is not about being nice to your fellow man. It is about sheer and utter stupidity!
Let's accept for a fact that certain people just don't like certain other people. Whether it is because of the color of their skin, the religion they practice or the way they part their hair. For SNGs let's assume that this is never going to change and that "those people" will always hate "them people." That's okay. Everyone has the right to dislike anyone they choose too. I myself have quite a list of people I dislike lovingly called the "Fu*k It List." Dislike whomever you want, just don't be an idiot.
Yes folks, that is what this blog is all about. Idiots. The two employees mentioned above are prime examples of this condition. Even if they just thought it was funny or a really nice joke, they were still stupid. Having worked in the Pizza Bizz for more years than I like to think about and been there as companies slowly moved from paper and pencil order slips to computerized orders, I have a very good idea about how these things work.
Unless things have changed radically in the past five or six years, there are ways to get your politically incorrect jollies without showing the whole world that you are an idiot. I can't speak for Chick since I have never worked there, but at pizza joints there are two separate comment areas on the order screen. One is the public comment section that is printed on the ticket and the other is the Store only comment section which is only viewable from the order screen. The first fool mentioned could have just as easily typed the offensive description into the Store only section and the lady would have never been the wiser.
I can say this with certainty since many times as a Shift Leader, Assistant Manager, it was my monthly job to go into the system and screen recent orders checking for "inappropriate" messages and believe me there were doozies in the system that make the above comments look nice. The employees got their jollies, never got in trouble and the customers were never the wiser.
Now please don't misunderstand me. I am not saying that I supported such things or even support the idea today. All I am saying, in my usual long winded way, is if you are going to be a jerk or an bigot, do it in a way that doesn't broadcast to the whole world that you are just stupid.
I misremember the exact quote and who is credited with saying, "Better to keep your mouth shut and have people think you are an idiot than to open it and remove all doubt."
Mark Twain