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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Cute and fluffy bunnies...WITH GUNS, the real story

     Those of you who actually follow my FB pages may remember that I promised a few days ago either a scathing report on the the Dental Care System or, if things worked out in my favor, a blog about cute and fluffy bunnies with guns.  Well, much to my surprise, the situation actually worked out in my favor.  Since I am man of my word, instead of berating my previous Dentists, I published a very well received log about bunnies with guns.  I considered the matter closed.  Whelp, fate has a strange way of bringing things up again, so here's another blog.
      So some basic back story here.  Our Ex-Dental Care people (Nameless but if you live in the WR/Macon area and want to know who these crooks are let me know)  removed two of my teeth back in December.  They quoted us a price ( estimated) that we would have to pay to cover the non-insurance part of the bill.  We paid the co-pay and thought that was the end of the story.  A couple of weeks later we get a notice that we owe the dentists over three times what we had already paid!  A closer examination of the bill showed that not only had they over billed us, they had actually quoted us one procedure and then billed us for a more expensive one.  (Dunno about where you come from but to me that is called FRAUD)
     So after trying unsuccessfully to get the dentists' billing people to admit their mistakes and change the bill, I told them I was going to call our provider and complain to them.  The billing lady very arrogantly said that she would arrange a three-way call to discuss the matter like "adults."  The very next day, we met on the phone with the insurance company.  I explained the situation and the dental person started justifying their charges, then less than two minutes into the conversation basically admitted that they had misbilled and possibly committed fraud.  She very quickly said, "Well we will just write this charge off" and very quickly hung up.  I thanked the nice lady from the insurance company and considered the matter closed.
     (As an aside here, my wife and I had already decided to get a new dentist weeks before the conversation.  This was not the first time the dental people had done something questionable and we were tired of it.)
     So yesterday, I got a notice that I had a certified letter from...guess who?  I was curious what the fudge was going on so today I jogged up to the post office and picked up the letter.  Here is what it says, verbatim.
     "As an important part of maintaining good dental health is establishing and maintaining a positive and professional relationship between you and your dental service providers.  In view of this, it is important that you establish another dental office as your provider.
     "Should you have a dental emergency within the next 30 days, we will take care of your dental needs upon your request.  We wish you the best with selecting another provider and your overall dental health."
For those who don't get the historical joke on this one, SHAME SHAME!
      Now, even though it is framed in very nice and polite language, this letter basically is saying "Okay you pissed us off so get somebody else to do your teeth."  Also please note that they admit that if I have an emergency, they have to treat me no matter how mad they are.
     Now here is the real knee slapper in this.  I half expected some pissy letter after they lost the fight.  I expected them to tell me that I wasn't welcome there anymore.  What I didn't expect was for these...dentists to send me the letter certified!  They spent $5.59 to mail me a letter that basically says "We don't like you and won't play anymore so Nyah!"  I mean seriously, couldn't you just have paid .50 postage and gotten the same message across?

     Well all I can say to such adult behavior is "Neener Neener Neener!"  The idea that you wasted enough money for two medium lattes just to try to make yourself look impressive is one of the funniest things I have heard this month.  What's next in your bag of tricks, Yo Mamma jokes?