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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Okay we could be well and truly screwed here.

Short and sweet, there is an apparent movement towards considering the Debt Ceiling of the US unconstitutional. The attitude is that if we fail to raise the Debt Ceiling by the deadline, the government can simply ignore it and keep selling and borrowing as much as it needs to keep going and not default on all of its loans.

In my opinion this is a recipe for complete and utter financial disaster. The Debt Ceiling was imposed to keep us from borrowing and borrowing until we owed more money than we brought in. It's a safety valve to keep us from going the way of Greece and other bankrupt EU countries.

Okay some might argue that we keep raising the durned thing anyways so why not just do away with it or ignore it? To me there is no surer way to screw us over than giving the Damnocrats and Reboobicans (Tea Baggers and Independents too) the ability to borrow and borrow money indiscriminately trusting that they won't get us in over our heads. That's like trusting the fox to not only guard the hen house but to make sure that no one takes more than they need.

Here's an idea, Politicks. Figure out ways to decrease spending and fix what is wrong with the country. If you do that, then the already astronomical Debt Ceiling will be more than high enough.

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