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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Don't pay 'em!

Obama and other key figures have warned that if an agreement on the budget cuts/tax increase/debt ceiling isn't reached in time that Social Security checks and other forms of assistance won't be paid because of lack of funds. Some have even gone so far as to hint that certain other groups won't get money either ie Medicare and even pay for our armed forces and this (like so many things do) has got me pondering life, the universe and everything. After much musing, I have come to the decision that this is a GREAT idea! Lets not pay certain groups of people, especially non-productive groups that are worthless and a drain on the precious resources of our country! This will save us billions! What a clever plan! I am proud to be a part of this plan!

So here is what we will do. Come August, if a new agreement hasn't been reached, we stop paying the government! Cut out the fat paychecks to the White House, Senate and Congress. Cut out payments to all the benefits that they receive (Health Care, Retirement, Transportation, Housing etc) and just imagine the oodles of bucks we can save. Sure it might not be enough to balance the budget, but I can promise you it will be enough to make sure SS, Medicare etc get paid on time and maybe even enough to start putting money back into the SS fund that the bullies in Washington have so baldly robbed over the decades. It will certainly be enough to keep our brave men and women in the Armed Forces paid.

Now as an aside, let me state that I recognize Obama's statement for what it is just like I recognize all the statements made by the Damnocrats, Reboobicans and Tea Beggars (Thanks for that one Benjy) for what they are. All this flaming rhetoric is nothing more than posturing. As much as I would love to see us forced to live within our means by the Debt Ceiling not being raised, I know that it will be by the deadline because neither side wants to be responsible for the Fiscal Chaos that will happen if it isn't raised. The Ceiling will be raised, one way or the other and nothing will be fixed until everything falls apart and we are forced, like Greece and Ireland, to fix it.

I love this country. There is a reason why one of my nicknames used to be Captain America. I truly believe that the USA is the greatest country in the world and easily the best place to live. We can be a great country with great people in it. However, we can also be self serving, greedy and not too bright. This whole Debt Ceiling Disaster topic is an excellent example of that. One side blames the other. We blame the government. This disaster is always "their fault."

Well, it is time we all woke up and realized that it is not "their fault." It is not the Damnocrats or Reboobicans fault. It is certainly not the Tea Beggars fault, they just got there. Our money problems and the events leading up to them are everyone's fault. Yours, mine and every other person of voting age's fault because even if we did nothing to encourage this disaster, we sat back complacently and let it happen. Well, the time for complacency is over. It is time we stood up, took to the streets and tried to fix things. If we don't fix them now, our children and our grandchildren are screwed. Are you up to the challenge?

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