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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Okay let me get my gun...

Okay so imagine this scenario. In these troubled financial times when Banks are foreclosing willy nilly on just about anyone, including (believe or not) on some people who don't even have a mortgage, you come home from work and see a notice stuck to your door that reads in bold print EVICTION NOTICE. How quickly do you start to freak out? Sure your loans are up to date. Sure you've never missed a payment, but that still is a terrifying thing to see.

Well, that's what happened to a bunch of people in Detroit recently when a group fighting the construction of a public bridge spanning the US and Canada posted a bunch of these fake fliers on their doors. The group, secretly funded by billionaire Koch Industries executive vice President David Koch, is set to resist the construction of the bridge. Republican donor Manuel (Matty) Moroun is also lobbying against the proposed bridge because it would siphon traffic and tolls from his privately owned Ambassador bridge that traverses the same span between Detroit and Ottawa. Moroun would like a second bridge--but one that he would own.

Now forget for the moment that this bridge would bring in billions of dollars a year in revenue. Forget the fact that the only reason Koch and one of his puppet organizations is lobbying against it is because it would take money out of his cronies hands. Forget any of the good reasons or bad reasons for building this bridge. (Wow that's a lot of forgetting!) Never mind that that the organization might have had the best intentions (Yeah right!)

The issue here is these people thought that the best way to get their point across was to scare the crap out of a bunch of people who hadn't done anything to deserve it. What's next, a note saying "We have your wife, kids and dogs?" I can promise you that if some schmuck ever tries that with me, I got an immediate response for him/her/it. Like a friend of my mine always says, "Watch for the flash."

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