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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Selective anger/Targeted Furor

          Now I have pretty much stayed out of the Martin Shooting discussion because I prefer to have all the facts before I make an opinion known and all the facts aren't in yet over exactly what happened.  I do know the case is not as cut and dried as people would like to make it out to be and that the media has had a field day with doctored news and altered 911 Tapes.  This, of course, does not surprise me since most reporters and news producers are lower than catfish when it comes to bottom feeding.  I will say that, regardless of the final outcome of that night and regardless of Martin's lifestyle or attitude, Zimmerman should be arrested and tried because if he had just obeyed the dispatcher and not chased the boy, the shooting would not have occurred.
          But this particular rant isn't about Martin, Zimmerman or the press.  It is about humanity and its amazing ability to get totally honked off about one thing but completely ignore other events that eclipse it.  Since Martin's death, the very powerful and influential have set up a hue and cry for his arrest.  Hells, there is even at least one bounty on his head.  Promotional tee-shirts, hoodies and a for all I know decorative china are for sale.  People gather in their thousands to cry and weep and demand justice.  This is all well and good, but what about the others?

          In this case, 2 people were killed and 12 were injured including a 5 year old little girl who has a bullet in her leg.  They were gunned down by people with automatic weapons while attending the funeral of a friend.  All of the victims were Black and at least one was around Martin's age.  So where is the American outrage over this horrific crime?  Where are the mighty and powerful demanding justice be done?  No where to be found.  I am betting that most of you who aren't news junkies like me weren't even aware that the shooting had occurred.  It sure as Hell hasn't been run on CNN, Faux News etc 24/7.  Why is that?  If the shooting of one child is big news, shouldn't the shooting of several (Including a 5 year old) be even bigger news.  Perhaps it is because both the shooters and victims are Black.  Perhaps it is because the whole thing has been listed as "gang related."  Maybe it is because most of the people involved were from Haiti and not the US originally.  All I know for sure is that a five year old little girl will spend the rest of her life with a bullet in her leg and no one is expressing any outrage over it.

          I have oftentimes been accused of being  a Racist and I always tell people that they are right.  I am a racist in the truest sense of the word.  As a whole, I despise humanity.  With some fantastic exceptions, humans always seem to sink to the lowest point possible.  We haven't changed that much from the old Gladiator fights where people cheered as men hacked each other to death.  The only difference today from long ago is that people get their fixes from places like CNN, Fox News etc.  People soak up the rage and violence shown and direct their anger where ever the News wants it to be.  The story of a Black kid shot by a white man is big news and everyone is feeding off of it.  The story of a bunch of Black funeral goers shot by gang members isn't big news so it is ignored.  It is time that Humanity stops getting its facts from sensationalized sound bites and learns to see past Faux News' "Breaking News" to see what else is happening in the world.  Or is that too much to ask?

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