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Thursday, March 15, 2018

Ain't it funny? Ain't it strange? Ain't it HYPOCRITICAL?!

So a lot of people are posting "Walk up not Walk Out" memes and comments and going on and on ad nauseam about "We need to fight school bullying and that'll stop school shootings." They post articles about the horrible bullying and abuse going on in schools and scream at the top of their lungs about how this is the real problem and how THOSE PEOPLE are ignoring the real problem to push THEIR agenda at the expense of REAL Americans.
Now don't get me wrong, I am a strong Anti-Bullying supporter and have been for a very long time, but this sudden and quite frankly underwhelming influx of individuals crying out against School Bullying is more than a teensy bit hypocritical and sadly it's not even a new hypocrisy. Pick any subject that rankles people's cankles and you'll see the same thing happening. Back it up a few years to the big "Refugee" debate. When it was suggested that maybe the US should actually take in some of the refugees that we created by waging continuous war in the Middle East for 20 years, the Conservatives were all, "WE SHOULDN'T HELP ONE SINGLE REFUGEE AS LONG AS THERE ARE HOMELESS AMERICANS LIVING ON THE STREETS!"
This sentiment is, at least on the surface, a noble one. We should feed, clothe and find homes for ALL of our homeless before helping others. I totally support and cheer the idea. However, and here is where the hypocrisy lies (lays? Darn it!). When all the hullabaloo was going on and these noble souls were crying out their love for our poor, you could (and I did) check their FB pages or other social media sites and you would see a very different picture of how they felt about the poor and homeless. You'd see posts and memes calling the Homeless "leeches" or "worthless" and articles from "news sources" talking about how stricter laws were needed to force the homeless from whatever shelter they had. So, you see that the fight wasn't so much (at all?) about helping our own before helping others and more about just not helping people we didn't like.
Now fast forward to today. Teenagers and Adults are fighting back against being kids being murdered by nutjobs with guns and people are listening. New laws are being passed and companies are voluntarily taking steps to combat the problem and this is not sitting too well with a large chunk of people. So suddenly, people who truly never even thought about school bullying or even cared about it are suddenly all over it. This would be an awesome step forward if it wasn't questionable at best. Of the far too many "friends" and followers I have on Facebook, I can point to at least 4 (Used to be 5, but one blocked me. HEY TC!) who haven't exactly been supportive of Anti-Bullying in the past. Matter of fact, two of those 3 have posted memes that pretty much said "Well, bullying always happens so that sucks for you. Man up and quit being babies." Also posted articles that opposed stronger anti-bullying laws and stricter punishments for kids found guilty of being bullies. So you see how the sudden "Quit being bullies" sentiment might seem a tad...BS?
Now don't get me wrong, if you are now fighting against bullying, I am all over supporting you. Hells, I really don't even care what your reasons are. But, if your support for the bullied children vanishes as quickly as your support for the homeless did after the Refugee uproar died off, then you are a hypocrite.
Now I don't have any real answers. Hells most days I can't even figure out the questions. In a sense, all of y'all are right. It is a Mental Illness Problem. It is a Bullying Problem. It is a Gun Problem. It is an Awareness Problem. It is all of the above and prolly other things we haven't even thought of yet problem. It is a Problem, but this problem will never be solved as long as everyone does nothing. Say what you want about the Gun Control groups, but right now they are actually accomplishing something. Only time will tell if it is effective (Affective? Darn it!) or worthwhile, but they are speaking and polticians and businesses are listening.
if you feel like this is the wrong direction, then do something about it. Quit whinging and crying and insulting the other side and put forth your own actions. If you truly feel it is a mental health issue, push for better access to health care. If you think it is rightfully a bullying issue, push for stronger anti-bullying laws and stricter punishments for bullies. The time for talk and finger pointing (Well except me, finger pointing is kind of my thing) is over. People are tired of all talk and no actions and they will support and cheer on any people who are even perceived as actually doing something. So it is time to step up to the plate, grab a bat and swing for the fences instead of sitting on the sidelines.
End of Rant

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