If there is one thing that never ceases to amaze me, it is the human ability to rationalize their beliefs no matter how insulting or stupid they may be. Its universal among mankind to truly be convinced what you think is right and ignore any evidence that proves you wrong. What is even funnier is when people are confronted with irrefutable proof that what they think or believe is truly messed up because then they start trying to find some way to justify what they believe. There are a bunch of different ways this happens, but the most common one I have found is the "Oh yeah? Well X may be a jerk, but your Y did it too!"
Let's take the GOP poster boy for STUPID, Donald Trump. During his brief run for the nomination, he has shown himself to be a Racist, Misogynistic Bigot (Yeah I know I know, but since he is against Hispanics which is a race and against Muslims who are not, I figured I could use both words. Hey it's my blog!). He has agreed with an idea to register all Muslims in the country. (Hey! it worked for Hitler right?) He has also said we should ban all Muslims from the US. Originally that was ALL Muslims including the ones already in the US but he back tracked on that one so we will go with his revised statement of Muslims outside the US just to be nice.
Now like most of Trump's truly stupid and bigoted statements, this one caught the attention of anyone who is not a Conservative and the uproar proceeded. Finally it reached the point where even the most die hard Conservative couldn't ignore the fact that Trump was making the Grand Old Party look like a bunch of Middle Aged White Jerks or MAWJs for short. So, instead of coming out against Trump and his bigoted statements, they quickly did what they do best. DAMAGE CONTROL and FINGER POINTING!
(As a quick aside here, I will point out that some of the GOP members have actually come out against Trump's idiocy including Ted Cruz and old Dick (We'll torture them all!) Cheney. This just proves that the stupid in politics can get so strong that even the oldest dog can get tired of it.)
Over the past couple of days I have seen articles like the one linked above appearing on Conservative FB Friends pages. The articles correctly point out that old Trump is not the first person to suggest banning people from coming into the US. Carter did indeed do it during the Iran Crisis and old FDR did it during WWII. Matter of fact FDR went Trump one better and locked up 1000s of innocent men, women and children just because they were different.. So, yes I admit that previous Regime leaders were just as big a jerk as Trump and Carson. Guess what? IT DOESN'T FREAKING MATTER!
Oh yeah well they did it first! Nyah! |
I can see the confuzzlement running rampant in your headparts right now. I will explainate for your enlightenment. In the Con Game, its called a bait and switch. You need to distract the Mark from seeing that they are being ripped off, so you toss out some sort of distraction to keep them off balance and not seeing the obvious going on right in front of their eyes. You see it these days. One of the most obvious (But far from being limited to that side) is what happens when a dirty cop kills an unarmed Black person. Instead of just admitting that some cops are racist thugs with badges, pundits start tossing out "Well, yes a cop in Detroit gunned down an unarmed child in the streets, but HEY LOOK AT HOW MANY BLACK KIDS WERE KILLED BY GANG VIOLENCE YESTERDAY."
See, that is the distraction. The bait to make you forget that you are being robbed. People try to use a very solid fact (Gang Violence or Carter/FDR did it too) to distract you and make you not think about the other FACT (Dirty cops killing people/Trump being a bigoted moron). They seem think that showing other people did horrible things somehow justifies the horrible things they are trying to defend. It is the school ground mentality of "Well Jimmy did it, so that makes us doing it okay."
The problem is that it doesn't work that way. Trump is wrong for suggesting immigration bans on Muslims and Carter was wrong for suggesting bans on immigration from Iran. (Interestingly enough and giving Trump credit for a bit of intelligence, they both did it for the same reason. Carter bowed to political and social pressure during the Hostage Crisis and Trump may be pandering to the Anti-Islam crowd in hopes for votes. Historically speaking, FDR pretty much did it for the same reason as Carter.) Trying to justify the actions of one man by pointing out that others in the past made the same mistake doesn't make you right, it just proves you are wrong twice.
We will never make any progress in this country until we stop blindly trying to justify the idiocy and bigotry of our so called leaders and just say, "Well yeah, he is on our team, but what he said was totally messed up." Quit trying to justify crap people say just because you are supposed to support them. Man up and just admit they are wrong.
End of Rant