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Thursday, March 12, 2015

Iran Out of Letters.

     Yah know I been hearing a lot of fuss over the moronic letter the 47 Reboobicans sent Iran and I am not sure if what they did was treasonous or criminal or even that insulting towards the POTUS.  However, I do know this and it is a pretty obvious thing.  What they did was STUPID!!!!!!  In what may have been an attempt at grandstanding or an attempt to undermine Obama, they have basically plugged their own pooch.
     I mean, what they said about Obama's policies being overturned with the swipe of a pen stands true for any other president.  So if (and brother I do mean if.  Have you seen the list of current GOP Presidential Hopefuls?) a Republican does get elected to be the next President, his own party will have already shot him in the foot metaphorically speaking.  I mean what foreign power will want to negotiate anything from a Arms Treaty to the Powdered Doughnut Supply if in 4 to 8 years some other President can come along and eliminate all their hard work with the swipe of a pen?
     I get it, Reboobicans and Teabeggars.  I really do get it.  You are dead set on doing everything you  can to make Obama look bad.  Even if it is at the expense of your own party.  I mean your leaders did say early on that it was their job to make sure Obama was a 1 term president.  (I shift you not!  Here the link.  One Term President  Okay as a side note, a couple of weeks later, he did try to explain what he meant and for the sake of fairness I present that explanation.  Explanation (Sort of) Course to me, it sounds more like Covering his own ass at this point, but I let you my readers decide.) 
    Obsession and Dedication are separated by a tiny tiny line.  Loyalty and Insanity are even closer together.  If your obsession with destroying and mocking your opponent hurts only him him, all is well and good.  However, if your insane need to make someone look bad makes you look like a bunch of nutjobs who don't care who you hurt, then you only show just how far away from reality you are currently hanging out at.
     Hit Politics and Dirty Deals aren't anything new.  I am pretty sure Ogg told all the Cave Persons that Togg was dating a Mastodon when they were running for Cave Boss.  Read an excellent short story called "Counting Potshards" for an example of how the Ancient Greek did it.  Heck, I appreciate and enjoy in my own masochistic sort of way watching the various hit pieces produced by both sides during elections.  However the trick with trying to hurt or embarrass your opponents is to make them look bad, not you.
     The whole invite BiBi over to speak without informing the POTUS was childish and a little silly, but at least that left the GOP looking fairly good.  The leader from a nation who is nominally our ally came at your request and spoke words that made you look good.  Kudos for that one.  However, 47 of you (Several Presidential candidates, God help us all.) essentially told the leaders of a "terrorist" state that "Hey Dude, nothing we do has any real power over you!"  See all that did was make you look really really dumb.  (Also made you look like you really didn't understand how the US Government works since what you described isn't actually true, but we are leaving that alone.)
     In closing let me say this to all sides of the political system here in the US.  We know you are all about as dysfunctional as you can get and that you are more interested in making the other side look bad.  We get it.  Hells, even the most partisan and dedicated member of each side has to know it by now.  So fine, you would rather take shots at each other than govern.  All we can ask at this point is to at least make it entertaining.  Make it good.  Make it solid.  Fire all your cannons at the other side in a flashy show of useless fireworks.  Just don't shoot yourself in the face while you are firing.  Is that too much to ask?
End of Rant

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