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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Poop Sandwichs for Everyone! On the House...or maybe Congress.


Definition of evidence (n)

Bing Dictionary
  • ev·i·dence
  1. sign or proof: something that gives a sign or proof of the existence or truth of something, or that helps somebody to come to a particular conclusion
  2. proof of guilt: the objects or information used to prove or suggest the guilt of somebody accused of a crime
  3. statements of witnesses: the oral or written statements of witnesses and other people involved in a trial or official inquiry.
     People tend to equate the Word Evidence with the Word Proof.  They seem to think just because they have seen or read a bunch of stuff that supports what they think or believe, that this "evidence" is somehow proof they are right.  They ramble on and on that the "Evidence proves (Insert your favorite nutjob theory here)" and completely ignore the Fact that Evidence has convicted a lot of innocent people over the years.  Evidence does not equal truth.
     People love to point out websites, news articles, pamphlets handed out by men in robes on street corners because those publications support their own entrenched feelings.  They either ignore all together or pass off as propaganda the multitude of other sources that contradict the things that they know as fact.  That is the living embodiment of Cognitive Dissonance.
  1. Definition of cognitive dissonance (n)

    Bing Dictionary
    • cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance
    1. contradictory mental state: a state of psychological conflict or anxiety resulting from a contradiction between a person's simultaneously held beliefs or attitudes
     I think the truly shameful part of all of this is the fact that the vast majority of these people actually believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are being fair and balanced.  They literally cannot grasp the fact that they are blind to...well their blindness.  They gobble up every single smelly bit of garbage that bolsters their beliefs no matter how poop covered it is while shoveling even more poop onto anything and I do mean anything that contradicts them.
     Politics is the Poop Doo Jour these days, especially with an Mock Election coming up.  (Well alright, it is technically a real election, but most of them are  mockeries these days so I am keeping the Mock Election line.)  I admit a very firm Bias when it comes to Politics.  I think that all of them, Damnocrat and Reboobican, Liarberal and Cantservative alike are all a bunch of lying, sneaky underhanded group of thugs who have no real interest in helping the people who they claim to represent.
     However, I watch Unbiased people who completely and utterly tow the party line swallowing every bit of dung that their masters hand them while claiming that everything from unemployment to meteor showers is the fault of the opposing party.  You can shovel away all of the poop on their plates and put actual facts and information down there, but they just fling it to one side and eagerly wait for more crap to be dumped on them.  
     None of the problems facing this country will ever be solved until people stop bathing in the dung of their leaders and start thinking for themselves.  Unfortunately, I haven't seen a whole lot of evidence of that going on.  Oh well, at least the poop sandwiches are plentiful.
End of Rant

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Privilege is a Double Edged Sword or "That is so WASCM!".

     So I actually read the above article in one of my many news feeds when I woke up this morning (Well morning is a relative term since I rarely wake up before 9am and am usually not functional until around 10ish at the earliest.)  I then trotted onto Facebook and lo and behold one of my many friends had posted yet another article on the same subject.  Now, as so many things tend to do, this got me to thinking and anyone who knows me can tell you that this is a bad thing to happen.  It is right up there with wearing white after Labor Day.
     As per usual, my thoughts did not automatically turn in the direction that others did.  I did not ponder if White Privilege actually still exists.  Historically, you cannot argue that it didn't exist since pretty much any laws passed prior to say 1940 pretty much are weighted towards White Anglo Saxon Christian Males or WASCM (Just for Gits and Shiggles, lets pronounce that Racism even though it technically probably sounds more like WAS-CAM.)  Anyone with any sort of common sense and grasp of reality has to admit this.  Anyone who denies it has serious problems grasping reality.
     Like I said, I am not going to argue whether WP is still prevalent today.  I will leave that to much wiser heads and the Nutballs on Facebook.  No, my dear readers, my ponderance today is about the future.  Not even the far future, just the future that is right around the corner in say 5-10 years.  I am pondering the plight of those poor WASCMs when they become the minority.
     See, here is the thing.  As the Majority and the people who have been in power for the past two hundred years, WASCMs have made law after law that benefited them and in a trickle down form, their families.  Other races and cultures were pretty much told "Hey we are in charge, so we get the benefits."  Prayer in schools, Check as long as it is Christian Prayer.  "One nation under God"?  Check, as long as it is the Christian God.  I mean lets face it, Special New Laws had to be enacted to give Women and Non-Whites the same rights and privileges as WASCMs. 
     So what happens when the WASCM is no longer the dominant majority?  Experts predict that Whites will become the Minority in the US somewhere between 2020 and 2025.  So what happens when the new Majority start doing exactly what WASCMS did for centuries.  What happens when they start passing laws that benefit them over the new Minority?  I predict loud and angry howls of righteous rage over unfair treatment.  It is coming folks, just wait for it.
     Hells, it is already happening.  Politicians trying to pass laws that allow Creationism (Christian of course) to be taught in schools is only one example.  Dozens of attempts by people in power to suppress or alter Minority Votes through restrictive voting laws and redistricting is another.  I don't think the common man on the street has realized it yet, but I promise you that the people who are actually in power are running spitless in fear.
    WASCM will "Not go quietly into that good night" and they shouldn't because it is entirely within the realm of possibilities that the new majority could turn as oppressive as the old one is now.  However, new times are a coming and they need to start adapting to them.  But that is just my two cents.  (Really, no one notice the lion and no one is freaked out by the fact it talks?)
End of Rant