So I read an article about programs that teach English to young children who's first language is another tongue. It talked about the difficulties these kids have finding proper instruction. Now I personally feel (Having known people who were in this sort of situation) that the total immersion method is the best alternative as opposed to the Bi-Lingual Programs that some schools use to instruct students. However, that isn't what this rant is about.
As always, once I read the article I skimmed down to the comments sections to see what other people thought about the article and about the subject in general. What I saw didn't surprise me, but it still shocked me. Comment after comment was filled with hateful comments about Hispanics and any other race that didn't conform to the "American" way of doing things. They raged on and on about how anyone coming to their country needed to learn the official language of English. They stated that all of these Non-Whites needed to get with the program and do things the way Americans (See Whites) did.
Now, folks. Let's cover some very basics here. First of all, despite what so many people seem to believe, America doesn't have a "National Language." Our official language is not English, Spanish or Pig Latin. For a very long time, our
Dominant tongue has been English, but there is no Law or Statute that designates it as the official language of America. The reason for this is that America has been a land of many different cultures and beliefs from day one. Yes, the English culture and language dominated, but there were many more even before there was an America.
Second, there is no
American Culture for others to disrupt. What we view as American has been borrowed from dozens of cultures around the world as Immigrants moved to these shores and incorporated their ways and beliefs into ours. We are literally a nation of Immigrants (Yes even the Native Americans are immigrants, they just got here sooner than the rest of us. 30K years sooner but still immigrated.) So this idea that, suddenly, these "Non-Whites" (Gods I hate that term.) are disrupting and destroying the "American Way" is a little silly.
Sadly, I feel that all of this rage directed against Immigrants (Legal and Otherwise) is all based off the very basic emotion of fear. Projections show that very soon, Whites will no longer be the largest chunk of the population of the US. Other races and cultures will soon become the majority. This scares the crap out of a lot of people and probably for good reasons.
I mean, think about it. For over 2 centuries, Whites have dominated politics. They voted for the things that benefited them. They held the reins and did the driving. They were in CHARGE! If other races and cultures benefited from it, cool. If not, Meh Oh Well! (As an author's note here, let me state that this has slowly been changing over the past 75 or so years where American Politics has slowly grown outwards to include other aspects and is still improving today...Slowly.) Suddenly, the people that have been in charge are faced with the very real possibility that other people might begin to decide things might be in charge.
A wise man once said,
"Any group or culture will always vote to better themselves over others." Basically, the dominate group in charge will always better the situation of the ones closest to it. Our history is full of that happening. I seriously doubt that any Native American felt benefited when the US Government came in and took their lands and forced them onto reservations. We as a "White" culture are being forced to realize that someday our fates and rights are going to be decided by others and it terrifies some people because history is full of instances of the things we did to "others."
So Fear sparks hate and hatred produces vitriol. I suspect that the "worse" things get, the louder the ranting and hatred will become. All I can say is, "Welcome to the Minority."
End of rant