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Friday, November 30, 2012

Ooookay someone explain this one to me?

     Now, this rant isn't about whether or not this guy is guilty or innocent or even whether he deserves to die.  The courts will decide if he warrants a retrial or not.  (course in my humble opinion, if you plead no contest to being involved in a murder you are prolly guilty)  No my question is a move the gentleman made to have his execution delayed because his obesity would cause him extreme pain during the process.
     Hokay, so he shouldn't executed because he might suffer some discomfort while they are KILLING him?  "Sorry you can't execute me today because I might be uncomfortable while you are doing it" seems a little silly.  I don't see any reason why our legal system should be any sort of obligation for making death sentence inmates all comfy cozy while they pump them full of a deadly cocktail of drugs.
     Lethal Injection is supposed to be the kinder, gentler way of executing criminals  (It ain't, btw.  Experts say that the process is very painful though not as painful as previous methods.)  Pre-Lethal Injection, let's look at the various methods used to execute felons.  Beheading...Yup painful.  Crucifixion...oh yeah really painful.   Hangings...moderate to extended painful.  Firing Squad...Oh yeah!  Painful!  Electrocution...yep you guessed it REALLY PAINFUL.
     But wait, you cry!  What about cruel and unusual punishment, you ask?  (Well its either you guys or the voices in my head again.)  To you (Or the little blue gnomes in my head) I reply  "You're executing the guy!  Taking his life!  Shuffling off his mortal coil!  Kicking his bucket!  It don't get much more cruel than that!"
      If someone is accused of a heinous crime, they deserve fair and honest legal defense.  They deserve every chance they can get to get  fair and impartial hearing to prove their innocence.  However, arguments like Mr. Post makes are ridiculous.  When someone kills someone else in a violent crime, I doubt that most of them had any concern about whether or not the bullets fired caused the victim "severe pain" so why should we have any sort of consideration for the one firing the gun?

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