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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Mythos or Yours?

Okay boys and girls, sit down around the fire and I will tell you some really tall tales that are sure to amuse and thrill you. Comfy? Good, let's get going!

Here's a dandy little tale about how a young man in the early 1800's prayed to Big Happy Sky Man for a sign on which direction his faith should go. BHSM appeared to the man in a Pillar of Light and told him that all the churches were BAD and that he needed to start a brand new one that would teach people the true ways of the BHSM. A decade later, the BHSM even sent down some solid gold plates with all the teachings the young man would need to write his own extension of the Holy Writ.

Now our second little story takes place...Oh about 2000 or so years before that. A young, unwed mother announces that she is pregnant. She tells everyone that she was visited by an agent of the Big Happy Sky Man who told her that she was going to bear the son of BHSM who would then go on to fix all the things that had gone wrong with mainstream religion and she would bear the child while still remaining a pure, untouched virgin.

Wow, aren't those two of the craziest stories you ever heard? It's hard to tell which one is more preposterous? Thank the BHSM that no one actually believes these crazy stories except maybe some crazy cultists!

Okay, silliness aside, I am sure everyone recognizes the "origin" tales of the Mormon Faith and Christianity. I promise all of you that I am not mocking either faith or its beliefs but was using the "tall tale" style to shore up a point I am about to make.

Now I don't like Mitt Romney. Course any regular readers will know I am not too fond of the current crop of GOP candidates except Paul and I gotta admit Cain's getting my attention too. I personally feel that electing Romney would be one of the largest mistakes we have made in awhile. However this focus on his religion (and its not just this election) is a non-issue. The horse being beaten isn't just dead, it is dust.

Since America doesn't have an official National Religion (Thank God!) there are no requirements that a candidate be Christian, Jewish, Mormon or even Muslim. A person can follow his or her religious beliefs and still have a chance at being elected. So this focus on the fact that Romney is a Mormon has absolutely no bearing on his qualifications for President.

Now on to the second part of this rant. David Lane, a conservative Christian power broker and one of Perry's strongest supporters, calls Mormonism a "cult." He considers them to be non-Christians. I really don't know. I don't really have enough background in religion to say Yay or Nay. I do know this though, at one time or another, every single religion in the world was probably considered a cult including Christianity.

Anytime any new faith starts going against or even just adding to the old ones, the Old Wise Guys in charge brand it a cult. Matter of fact, I bet if you were to poll the majority of people in the world, they'd define "cult" as any religion other than their own. It is all a matter of perspective.

So base your choices on skills, records or even how well the candidate spins a lie, but ignore the people that preach against someone simply because their faith is different. Heck, I am looking forward to the first Druid running for president. Let's put a real "tree hugger" into office!

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