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Monday, August 22, 2011

No new taxes! Oh wait you are poor...never mind.

Okay so the Reboobicans don't want to let the tax cuts for the rich established during Bush's run expire because that would raise taxes. (Technically by the way, that is not "raising" taxes. It is simply letting the taxes return to their previous rate, but that's splitting hairs.) They say it would put harsh strictures on Corporations and Businesses and prevent them from creating new jobs, hiring more workers etc. (Never mind that corporate hiring and jobs actually decreased under these tax cuts) However, they are more than willing to let a very small tax cut that benefits the average joe on the street lapse.

Here we have proof that the Reboobicans don't really give a damn about the poor and middle class. They are only interested in helping the super rich because those are the forces that feed their coffers. Bush tax cuts cost the country billions of dollars a year with no evidence of any kind to show that it actually has helped do anything but make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

It is time that we stopped putting up with this crap and took the country back from the fat cats (Reboobicans and Damnocrats combined) and set things straight.

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