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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Enforcing the law

Webster's Online defines LAW as a (1) : a binding custom or practice of a community : a rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority (2) : the whole body of such customs, practices, or rules.

Wikipedia defines it as Law[4] is a system of rules and guidelines, usually enforced through a set of institutions

(Now I bet all of you are thinking that this is about the guy who was ganged up on and handcuffed by police because he was legally wearing his sidearm. Nope, think again and keep reading.)

Now there are dozens of different definitions I can quote that pretty much agree on one thing. Calling something a LAW means that someone, somewhere decided that it was a good idea, codified it and enforces it. In other words, Laws are made by sentient (Most of them anyway) beings to give structure to their lives. With me so far? Hang on it gets a little bumpy.

A man I greatly admire, Stephen Hawking said in a recent interview that he believed that the afterlife (Inset your preference here) is a fairy tale. Here's the entire article for those of you who are interested.

In earlier works, Hawking used the existence of God as a metaphor saying, "What could define God [is a conception of divinity] as the embodiment of the laws of nature." However, he himself does not believe in the existence of a Deity of any kind. He likens people to computers that eventually run down and quit working (I'd prolly be an abacus.) and that there is no afterlife for old computers.

In this interview he states that it would be possible for the solar system to have formed without the aid of God because of the Law of Gravity so it wouldn't have needed God's help. And this segues into my rant for the day.

The Universe is filled with Laws, Gravity, Lightspeed etc. The Universe is so carefully organized that most things (Cells, stars etc) undergo processes so regular, so precise that we can actually set our clocks by them (Atomic Clocks anyone?) These Laws are the very basis for all things in all of the Universe Well as far as we know at this point.) So if these Laws exist and are so powerful, my question is, who came up with them?

If we use humanity as a comparison, the idea of the Universe simply wandering into these laws on its own and keeping them going all this time is kind of silly. From the first days of man, we have codified our lives to give structure to the world around us and to protect us from each other. Anytime you find more than four or five people banding together for whatever reason, there will be some form of rules. Hells, even so called Anarchists create guidelines for themselves even though they supposedly hate such things. So if there are Laws governing the Universe then someone, some force had to create them and enforce them. To me that sounds like God and if you accept the existence of God then Afterlife kind of automatically follows.

Don't get me wrong, I don't claim (most days) to have all the answers. I have no "proof" that God exists and that some form of afterlife follows our death. I believe so with all of my heart and to me that is enough. However as a closing statement to Dr. Hawking, I am reminded of a quote. I can't recall who said it or the exact quote, but the gist of it was "One day Scientists will reach the most distant parts of the universe and find all the answers they seek. When they do, they will find God already there and waiting for them. Peace everyone and God bless.

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