So the current uproar is over the proposed removal of US troops from Syria and perhaps Afghanistan too. Both sides are all a tither about it and the Liarberterians are all "WAHOO!!! GOOD START!" Whereas I personally lean towards that attitude myself, I am greatly amused by all the hullabaloo over it? Why, do you ask? (Doesn't matter if you actually asked because I am gonna tell you anyway. I am kind of mean that way.) Simple, because even if we pull out every single trooper/trooperette from everywhere in the ME, it won't last.
Anyone who actually believes that we have massive amounts of troops and materials stationed in Sand Central Station (see what I did there?) out of some sense of helping keep peace in the globe (Or disk depending on your personal beliefs) or out of some grand fear that these small nations (Seriously, most of the ME could fit inside of Texas and still have room left over for England.) might someday overwhelm us with their massive forces prolly owns at least one bridge in either Brooklyn or California. We have continuously invaded, bombed, shot and hockey pucked the ME for as long as we have for one reason, resources.
Whether its oil or rare metals or Wodan knows what else, we have been “intervening” in the Middle East for a very long time. We have installed more puppets than Jim Henson and could finance Universal Health care for...well the Universe with all of the money we have spent on these wasted wars. We have invaded, “liberated” and pulled out over and over again but after occasional and very brief periods, we just rushed back in and did it all over again. Really doesn't matter who has been in charge or which party was running things, somehow we always find an excuse to go back. I mean, look at Obama. He was hailed as a peaceful man and promised to get us out of the ME conflicts, but he continued and increased old W's drone strike program and kept troops on the ground.
The problem the “Get our troops out of there” groups are facing is simple. The ME has something we want and even if we don't need that something right now, we MIGHT need it in sometime in the future, so our troops WILL be going back prolly sooner than later in the latest Enduring Liberating Free Somethingornother. (ELFS in military lingo.) So IF Trump does pull troops out and bring them home, enjoy the respite, but don't really count on it lasting longer than a Big Mac on his desk.