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Wednesday, August 8, 2018

And I play my TRUMP card or Just WTF were y'all thinking?

Okie dokie, as promised in the previous blog I present to you my blog on why Donald Trump, ie the Toupee that walks like a man has done more to shake people up and make even the most secure OWD (Old White Dude/Dudette) shake in their mud stained work boots. Now before I go any further, I feel I should inform those of you who have been living in a cave or under a rock for the past few years that I am not really very fond of Donnie Dumpsterfire. One might even say, that I totally loathe the man and feel that his joke of a presidency has made the US a laughingstock and has done so much damage that it will take decades to repair it all. I feel that the whole world would be better off if we locked him up in Trump Towers China and bricked in the entire building. He is one the lowest form of disgusting, perverted life on the planet, second only perhaps to Bill Clinton or maybe that weird guy down the street that collects butterflies and wears speedos. That disclaimer out of the way, let us move forward with happy, uplifting thoughts.
Now, to me, Trump is a mental conundrum. On the surface, he would seem to be the perfect icon of the Republican party. He's old, semi-white (orangish) and wealthier than Midas before the whole golden touch thing went sour. Like a huge majority of the Republican leaders and Heartthrobs (Gingrich, Limbaugh, Jones etc) he has commited multiple counts of adultery and has actually managed to cheat on every single one of his wives with the replacement wife at least once. (If you believe his bragging in his books, it's a WHOLE LOT MORE, but we can leave that at bragging and go with the confirmed ones.) He is obnoxious, Anti-LGBT and like most Republicans, he pretends to be a good Christian. So, why you may ask (and don't worry if you didn't ask because I asked for you.) isn't he the beloved poster child of the GOP?
Wait, you the possibly fictitious reader might ask again! Didn't he run on the Republican ticket? Wasn't he elected the Republican President of the US? Doesn't he have a lot of supporters who are Republican? To which I would reply with a sad shaking of my head at the lack of understanding of these invisible speakers (I take meds, I promise!) that whereas Trump does have a fairly decent level of support, especially among the “common man,” he also has a YUGE level of opposition among the higher ranking and more powerful Republicans. Powerhouses like the Koch brothers (or as I like to call them, the Penis Brothers because of how their name sounds and the fact they are real Dic...errheads.) and other wealthy powerful GOP members directly oppose him and even though his Party controls all aspects of the government, many of his own party members either directly or indirectly oppose him. So why oh why does this seemingly perfect specimen of the Decrepit Old Party scare the crap out of the?
Well, the answer is kind of simple. Despite what both the DNC and the GOP would have you believe, both sides depend on keeping the status quo as...ermm Statusy as possible. Both sides preach that the other side is evil and that only THIER ways and beliefs can possibly save the US from the evils of whatever the other side is preaching. Both sides make all sorts of wonderful noises to attract the shy and timid voters into the voting booths, but when all is said and done, neither side really wants anything to change. Because if it changed, they'd pretty much be out of jobs and possibly homeless washing windshields on the streets to pay for their divorces. Whatever numerous faults Trump has and God knows they are more numerous than grains of sand on the beach, he has done a lot to shake up that centuries old pattern.
How, you may ask? Simple, I might reply. Donald Trump is a brash, obnoxious asshole who has no pause button between what his brain thinks and what comes out of his mouth. He speaks like a 5th grade dropout from Brooklyn walking the streets like a punk. Diplomacy is a word as foreign to him as good hairpieces and his lies are worse than the toddler telling you he didn't eat the cookies while holding a cookie in each hand and with chocolate smeared all over his face. The most common compliment I hear about Trump is “He tells it like it is.” I can agree with that statement to some degree if telling it like it is means “Lying badly in public and then lying even more badly later on to cover it up.”
Trump is pretty much the exact opposite of what a “politician” should be and it not only upsets the proverbial apple cart, but mugs the apple cart, steals all of the apples, makes pies from the apples and sells the pies back to the guy who owned the cart. He regularly gives the rank and file of both sides major headaches because he simply cannot be directed or controlled. In the world of political firearms, Trump is a blunderbuss. You can't really aim it so all you can do is point it in a very general direction and pray it doesn't explode on you before hitting your target. Good or bad, right or wrong, cake or cookie, this is why Trump has pretty much wrecked the GOP and driven the DNC nuts.
An online friend said after my last blog (Waves at John McDuffie) that the only way things would get better is if we manage to elect a legit OWD (Old White Dude) in 2020. He imagines that only a return to the status quo of the past will fix things. I personally feel we need the exact opposite. Electing a Black Dude shook things up. Electing a Black Dude again really shook things up. Electing a OWD that doesn't follow the OWD rules kept things shaking. That is why I feel like we should really shake things up in 2020. So I am seeking a Openly Transsexual Lesbian Asian Muslim Polygamist to run for the Utilitarian Party in 2020. Lets make America weird again!

Monday, August 6, 2018

Change Change this form of man Or Yup, that's scary

I have been labeled a Liberal and a Conservative by different people over the years. I've also been called a Troll and an Anarchist. In truth, people keep trying to slap some label on me to make me fit into their world but really when it all comes down to it I'm just an asshole. I say what I think and what I feel with very few buffers between where my brain starts and my mouth finishes. This tends to really honk a lot of people off and amuse an even larger number of people. I am perfectly okay with either outcome.
So ever since the Toupee that walks like a man was elected to be POTUS, I have seen a lot of “Never before in the history of history has a President and his family been subjected to (Insert your favorite horror here).” Having lived through the 8 years of Obama's regime, I personally find that statement extremely amusing and often wonder if people are stupid or simply suffering from some serious Dementia that effects their memories. However, the cries of outrage from Trumpservatives does have some minor echoes of reality in them, just not in the way they like to think. Sherman, set the Wayback Machine for about 10 years ago, please.
Now, in America's long and somewhat checkered history, one thing has pretty much remained a constant. No matter who was elected to be POTUS, they all had a couple of things in common. That's right, in the 45 different regime changes America has undergone, with two exceptions (Maybe three, just because I have a degree in history doesn't mean I actually know anything about it) these folks were all A. White and 2. Old. Okay, old is a relative term. They were well on their way to middle age even if they hadn't made it there yet.
So imagine it, in almost 250 years of existence, Americans almost always had an Old White Dude running things. One time, we had a young White Catholic dude running things and that upset some folks so much, he got killed. Still, even with the YWCD in charge, things were usually kind of civil. Sure we got snarky at times and even ugly a few more times, but for the most part, things went kind of smoothly. We almost never saw the level of hatred and vitriol that we have seen over the past 10 years. So what happened to change this?
Simple, the Status Quo got destroyed. Not just a little, but utterly and completely to the point of instilling mass panic, people hiding under beds and dogs sleeping with cats. (Well okay, maybe not the last one.) Note, what I am about to say it not meant to imply racism or even intolerance. It is just meant to show my point. The one true indicator that to most people's minds kept this country on a somewhat straight path was destroyed in one fell swoop. We elected a Black Man.
Ahh, I can hear the cries of outrage now. One side is saying, “We aren't racist! We didn't care if he was Black! He was just the Anti-Christ who invaded from Africa to make us all Gay Muslims!” The other side is saying, “Electing a Black Man was the first real sign that this country was moving away from the Dark Ages and into the Utopian Socialist Paradise that it was meant to be!” Well just calm down! This little rant has ZERO to do with racism and more to the fact that Americans are sticks in the mud who despise change. (That's better than being racist...right?)
So here is what happened. Election #1 occurs and a somewhat youngish Liberalish Black...ish man runs for the presidency! After over two centuries of Old White Dudes running (Ok Jesse Jackson did run that one time, but no one took him seriously), suddenly SOMETHING NEW happens. People on both sides get shook up and that is when the panic starts. Then HE ACTUALLY MANAGES TO GET ELECTED! That is when pretty much everyone hits DefCon1. Supporters of this radical new norm pull out all the stops defending him and opponents pretty much do the same thing.
So for the 4 years of the first round, all hell breaks loose because all of the “rules” both Liberals and Conservatives have lived by since the beginning are rendered null and void. Lies, insult, and threats previously considered improper and wrong are flung over and over again. Defensive lies and a laundry list of excuses are fired back. Suddenly our nice quiet lives were in the midst of an all-out battle of B.S. and quite simply, the majority of Americans didn't know how to deal with it so they just monkey piled on the side that seemed closest to the way they felt and hung on for dear life.
Towards the last half of the 1st 4 years, things had actually started to quiet down a bit. The Right was steady in it's belief that soon another Old White Dude would be elected and things would return to the way they should be. Most of them weren't even concerned by which side won at this point, just that some OWD would win. The Left was mellowed out for pretty much the same reason. Either the Black Dude would win or another OWD would win so really they faced a Win/Win situation. Then, the unimaginable happens, at least from the viewpoint of the majority of Americans. The Youngish Black Dude wins again!
Again, keep in mind this really has almost nothing to do with BlackGOOD/ BlackBAD. Nothing to do with Racism...well okay almost nothing to do with racism. It is just that the nice simple worldview that pretty much all Americans had was once again busted into tiny little bits and tossed to hungry wolves so they could devour it completely. Our brains had been programmed by centuries of “well that is just the way things are” and once again we were shown that things could change. So the vitriol and lies that had faded were brought back with a vengeance.
During the second 4 years, we saw a level of rage and Meme making that hadn't ever been seen before in the history of Memes or Rage. People on both sides pulled out all of the stops and bombarded the entire world with Tweets, Twits, Snaps and...well pretty much everything else. Oh, the world trembled under the social media onslaught as everyone cried out in terror.
Now, you'd think that after the “norm” was returned that this would all die down. After all, we had two centuries of being fairly courteous and not going ape poop over whoever was elected to be the current American dictator. I mean if we could be somewhat human during Carter and Ford, then we should be able to return to that after the Scary Black Dude was gone, right? Well, there are to obstacles to that. One I will cover here and one I will cover in the next rant. The one I will cover here is a simple one.
Once the cat is out of the bag and the horse is out of the barn, it is practically impossible to get them back in again. (especially the cat, those suckers hate bags) Eight years was all it took for both sides to forget civility and the rules of engagement. Suddenly our lizard brains realized that we didn't actually HAVE to play nice. We realized that we could say or do whatever the hell we want no matter how horrible and cruel it was and nothing bad would happen. So yeah, an Old White (Orange?) Dude was elected President. Even better the OWD beat a WOMAN, (Not meant as sexist. Goes back to the 200+ years of OWD mentality.) but the rules of engagement had changed and there was no going back.
People hate change. Change scares people because they aren't sure how to deal with it. The longer things remain the same, the more scary change is. Even people who claim to want things to change often just want more of the same with just a different face. When Obama was elected, the way things always have been was destroyed and everyone is still just trying to find out where to go from here. No matter how much people may want things to go back to the way they were, it will never happen. Donald Trump is actually proof of that in his own way. (More on that in the next rant.)
America is changing. For the good or for the worse only time will tell. I won't even make a guess, but in my mind, any change is good in the long run. The change means chances at progress. Not changing means the doom of stagnation. Sure, shaking things up can be scary and perhaps even destructive, but forest fires are sometimes needed to clear out the old and useless deadwood and allow new growth to start.