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Monday, May 25, 2015

They fought more than one day a year.

     My Father served in WWII. My Grandfather served in WWI.  My Brother has proudly served for longer than I can remember and went to Afghanistan when other men were set to retire.  I support our troops and the people that support them 100%.  So you may be shocked to hear that I think Memorial Day and Veteran's Day are a stupid idea.  Why you ask?  For the same reason Mother's Day, Father's Day, Second Cousin twice removed Day are stupid ideas. 
     The men and women who serve and protect our country deserve to be saluted and respected every single day.  If you need a special day to remind you how much we owe them, then you need to rethink your priorities.  I see people saying, "Thank you for your service" on Veteran's Day and solemnly nodding at the scenes from the Unknown Soldier on Memorial Day who probably never give a thought to them on any other day.  Never ponder how many 1000s of American Vets are homeless.  Never think about how many 1000s more live at a near poverty level and must depend on Welfare to help feed them.  I can promise you that these people hardly even think of the brave people who gave some or even all except when they are publicly reminded to by a mark on a calendar.
     It is patently obvious that the Government who sends them to fight and die don't care.  Sure they put on the dog and pony shows on special days, but then they turn around and do nothing to help them.  Our VA system is an archaic, badly managed pile of steaming poop that does little to actually help the people that need it.  The GOP says "God Bless Our Troops" then plans to send them back into yet another war we cannot win.  The Democrats say, "We will remember their sacrifices" but make no real efforts to fix the VA or even truly help those who desperately need help.
     We should respect and honor our troops every single day of the year.  We should kneel down and kiss their muddy boots to thank them for putting their lives and minds on the line.  We should never need a "special day" to memorialize them or thank them.  Every single right and freedom we have today is because some man or woman decided to put on a uniform and pick up a weapon to protect them.
    United States Army, United States Marine Corp, United Stated Air Force, United States Navy, United States Coast Guard, the National Guards and Nation Reserves should be on our minds every day.If you can't respect and honor them every day then cheering them on one special day is nothing but hypocrisy. 
End of Rant

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Short but not so sweet.

     So this afternoon, a friend I knew from HS posted a very poorly done video that purported to PROVE that a kid had been given detention for saying God Bless You to a schoolmate. Now all the video was is a guy (Presumably the kid's Dad) asking the kid what happened and then prompting the kid to tell how he had said GBU to a student and an evil teacher gave him detention as part of religious persecution. No evidence was given to back up the claims just the guy and his kid.
      Now folks, I see this sort of crap all the time. People claiming this or stating that and offering no proof of any kind to support it. IMNSHO (In My Not So Humble Opinion in case you forgot) people who post this sort of Shift are actually hurting the causes they claim to support. Saying "OH NOSE WE IS BEING PERSECUTED!" at the top of your lungs is like crying wolf when its actually a Beagle. People might listen to you in the beginning but eventually they stop because you are being an Ass.
      So when I very politely (Yes me politely) pointed this out, my friend became quite irate and insulting. She accused me of not being a Christian and that I was attacking her. When I attempted to explain to her that I was not attacking her or even disputing the video's claim, she got even more angry. When I pointed out that the man actually lied twice in the video, she came back with "I do not care that his fact may or maynot be wrong." (Her spelling not mine.)
      I know it comes as a shock to most of my college friends, but I am a Christian. (Heck it shocks me some days still.) I support Christians right to worship as they please. All other religions too. Pointing out when someone is wrong doesn't make me not a Christian. It does occasionally make me an Ass, but that is another point entirely.
      If the only way you can depend your position is to ignore the truth and insult other people, then you are not only an idiot, but not very Christian either. (Okay I admit calling her an idiot isn't very Christian either, but darn it she annoyed me.) If you refuse to support your position with actual facts, people are going to, at best, ignore you and at worst think that you are a nut case,
      If you want people to take you seriously, then you have to do more than make unfounded claims. If yo don't do that, you are right up there with the 9/11 Truthers, the Obama Birthers and the Sandy Hook/Boston Marathon Conspiracy nutters. Prove it or STHU,