A most excellent blog by my brother in all but blood has got me thinking. (Don't worry, it won't last) In http://porkbrainsandmilkgravy.blogspot.com/2011/09/and-swimming-down.html he talks about fear mongering and food which of course got me thinking of revolutions. Lot of that going around right now and it seems like a sexy subject to dribble on about for awhile.
The past year, we have had many major revolutions where powers that be who have run things for decades and seemed unbeatable have been flung from their thrones. We have watched as our politicians and pundits have praised these revolutions and welcomed the fledgling governments into the "Family of Democracy." All this flag raising and such has got me wondering, "What happens when it happens here?"
Conditions in the US are rapidly deteriorating to the point where we could easily find ourselves in a revolutionary state of mind. Job loss is at record highs, homelessness is right up there too and poverty is rampant. All of our politicians (Damnocrats Reboobicans and Tea Beggars) talk the good fight about improving conditions, but that is all they are doing. (The recent Debt Limit talks prove that.) There is a rapidly growing underclass that is getting more and more angry. If this isn't grounds for a revolution, then it is damned close.
Which, in my usual round about way, brings me back to "What happens when it happens here?" America has a long history of fighting what we believe to be the righteous cause...as long as it is our cause or one that benefits us. However, when the tables are turned, it is all out war.
Example: We (the country not the individuals) decided that Great Britain was being mean and unfair so we decided to kick them out of our sandbox. We yelled that we had rights and that no one had the right to infringe upon those rights. Skip forward a few years (Okay more than a few), a group of these same Americans decided that their rights were being infringed upon and their way of life was threatened by what they felt was an oppressive government, so they decided to do the same thing. What did the US Government do? Well, it is a little thing called the Civil War.
(Side note here: I am in no way supporting the horrors that occurred on both sides during the Civil War I am just using this as an example.)
So now with things slowly going to Hell without even a handbasket, what happens when the "revolution against an oppressive government" is here?" Well, you can bet that the same people that are currently praising the people of Libya et al will be screaming for the federal troops to put down the uprising. They'll be doing the same thing as Kadaffy did, blaming "foreign instigators" and "alien agents" for the rebellion. No one is going to admit that their failed policies and disdain for their fellows brought it about.
If the political hacks can get off their asses and work together, this problem can be fixed. Hells, with a little bit of hard work and sacrifice, it can prolly be fixed fairly quickly. Now history shows that the odds of that happening are somewhere between Slim and None. So that brings us full circle (Oblong?) to my original question. "What happens when it happens here?"